Saturday, March 10, 2007

Changing Energies

Have you noticed that the energies seem to be fluctuating? One minute I feel energized; the next I feel like I have to lie down before I fall down. Take heart. I feel like this transition will be coming to an end as we come to the end of March. I have chosen to ride with the energies. Do what I can and not get frustrated by having to quit what I am doing when I need to lie down. Be easy on yourself during this time. This too shall pass.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

"The Secret" to Transforming Old Life Patterns

After watching "The Secret" for a month a half, I was becoming aware of how I block what I want in my life. Frustration! Frustration when things didn't come about as I thought they should. Frustration when others didn't act as I thought they should. Frustration with myself when I didn't follow through with what I said I was going to do.

Now, I know about not having expectations (A sure set up for being disappointed). Desires, yes! Expectations of how, when, and who, no! Those expectations just limit the possibilities.

Much of my life I have been able to make things happen by hard work and sheer determination, so who wouldn't be frustrated when that no longer works? "The Secret" reminded me that it isn't my job to figure out how, when, and who. My job is to determine clearly what I most desire, to go there in my imagination so it becomes fully real, and then hold a place within me for the feeling I get when I am there. Meddling with the day-to-day workings of the how just slows down the process.

The biggest job for me was to convice the part of me that gets frustrated that I am not a victim to the how. Rather, I am a creator of the desire and the feeling I get when that desire is fulfilled. That allows for many ways to reach the desired outcome which may look different from what I thought it would be, while still delivering the fulfillment of my desire.

You owe it to yourself to watch this DVD. Much of it is not new, but there really is nothing new in the universe anyway. It's all in how what-is-new is put together. "The Secret" puts various pieces of information into a new whole that certainly speaks to me and obviously speaks to a lot of others as well.