Sunday, January 31, 2010

Patience Takes on New Meaning

Patience is not my favorite word.  To me, it has always meant waiting.  I’ve been a person of action so waiting hasn’t been my style.

I could blame it on my Mom who would always pack in too many errands before she picked me up so she wouldn’t have to wait for me.  Invariably she was late! My impatience would grow by the minute.

But, I won't blame her because I know this pattern was there so I could learn a new kind of patience.  My old definition would have had something to do with gritting my teeth as I lectured myself on being patient.  Then, I would be critical of anyone who was too slow--that is, too slow by my definition. 

As we move into a New Way of Being in this unfolding world, I look at my impatience as an example of an old pattern that I have dissolved so that new ones can emerge.

For me patience still has a sense of expectation, but the angst has disappeared.   Instead there is a fine tuned listening and feeling, staying present to the inner prodding that says, “Now!”  Then, and only then, do I proceed with a project, make a phone call, read a certain book, or attend a group I have learned about.  

I trust that the timing will be right even though my mind may want to push ahead sooner.  My mind still thinks it has to be in charge, but I know that would be the old way and I am determined to live from a different set of values. 

I practice being so present I can feel my breath as it goes in and out.  In those moments of breathing I feel the flow of my life rhythms.  Am I in sync or am I ahead or behind my natural flow?  That tells me if I am part of a New Way of Being because alignment with our inner flow is essential in this New World.

How does patience feel to you?  Are you in your natural flow?

Come explore with me what it means to Become a New Human.  Check out my in-person and online classes. 

Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year, A New Way of Being

2010 is the numerical number 3, the feminine (mother) plus masculine (father) = what you have birthed (child).  We have been preparing for this "birth" of a new way of being.  You may have noticed how many old patterns have come up this year!  That was so you could let them go.  Most of them didn't even need to be dissected.  They were just old energy you are finished with.

Now it is time to pay attention to what is new.  Notice if old ideas don't seem to resonate any more.  See how you respond differently.  Feel your next step without holding back.

This new way of being is closer to your essence--your soul acting through your human self.  Do you feel taller, more capable without the human need to flaunt it?  You can be comfortable with this.  It is you.  More you than ever before!

Happy New Year!  Happy New Way of Being!
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