Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Portal Opening

We are close to the opening of a new portal.  I feel excited and on edge, both at the same time.  Life as we have known it will never be the same again.  What is to come will challenge us in new ways--ways we cannot even imagine!  Yet, I do not hesitate to step through this portal.  I can do nothing else. To resist this step would be to deny all of what I have prepared for.  To drag my feet would be to deny who I am.

At the same time, I must embrace my edginess because it is my human self responding to the unknown.  What will this step require of me?  Will I measure up?  Those questions come from ego.  The whole of me knows that I would not be at this threshold unless I were ready.

Do I feel ready?  Yes and no.  The human side of me questions my readiness.  My knowing self is jumping for joy.  I take a deep breath.  I call on my personality (human) self which vibrates as yellow to join my soul  (knowing) self which vibrates as purple.  With both sides of me acting in partnership and oneness, I stand ready to serve; ready to experience; ready to surrender to this moment with all that is in me.

I am present.  I am forever changed.  I am alive in a new way.  I will know what to do if doing is the next step.  I am present with all I know, all I feel, and all I am.  That is spiritual mastery.  I have prepared for this.

Am I always there?  No.  But I am fully aware of how I am showing up.  This allows me to celebrate this moment, touch deeply into my heart, and with abiding compassion for the human that I am, I breathe deeply into this moment.

I am here.

I am present.

I am how I am in this moment and that is all I can be.


This morning I picked a card from the Luminaries (A Prism of Change through Reflection and  Transformational Art) that Lahrinda Eileen and I created.  It's called "Ecstasy."

Here's part of what it says:
"The emotion-soaked coat of yesterday has been embrace and transformed.  the hoped-for magnificence of tomorrow is now.  Open the floodgates of divine/human passion.  Burst forth as a fully resonant song of Ecstasy.

Are you alive?  You are alive!
Are you present?  You are present!
Allow all your brightest colors to flow.
Allow all your sense to evolve in order to fully experience an awakening world around you."

This card set walks you through the change with lots of help and plenty ideas to experience and chew on.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Keeping Up with the Changes

We are in such time of change!  Keeping up means staying focused in the "Now."  Paying attention to when your mind wanders to the past or future is a moment to moment awareness.

This morning I read Mark Dodich's astrological report.  Here's part of what it said:

"The Sun is aligned with explosive Uranus on Saturday the 24th and makes a challenging 90 degree square to Pluto on the 29th, so this is a revolutionizing and transforming time at the end of March. On the personal level, this energy helps you make dynamic changes to you, so get out of any ruts you dug over the winter. 

At the same time, these energies and others help you get in the flow, to get yourself moving. Although the planetary challenges above can be disruptive at times, they still help you get flowing, choppy as it may be."

As each of these energies passes through, they can affect our ability to stay aware and present.  I find that I need to remind myself every morning to be the observer of my life, allowing my actions to come from the promptings of my deeper self.

So as we make "dynamic changes," let's make them in full awareness!

Arlene Arnold 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Chaotic Times

Recently, I was asked why I hadn't posted since 2010.  Hmmm.  If you are like me, a lot has gone on since the first of the year.  I was hospitalized with back spasms, went into a time of personal transformational recovery, and then moved.  Sound familiar?  I'm sure many of you are going through such a shake-up in your life.

But, now we are ready for the next step.  For me, it is a launch of the Complementary Color Therapy Training & Certification Program Online!  Check out the information on my recent newsletter:  Click Here

I also received interesting information through Tom Kenyon's channeling of the Hathors. They are among my favorite ones who help us clarify what is happening on the planet.  They speak of "chaotic nodes" that are affecting us.  They are encouraging us to use several techniques to stay centered and avoid being draw into the fear.

Every day we are being given opportunities to see which old patterns still come up when we least expect it.  By dissolving those patterns and launching new patterns, we move into alignment with the deeper self and we honor what it means to be that deeper self in human form.

Taking the Basic Color Course is one way to dissolve old patterns.  Pay attention to opportunities that come to you to make the changes.  Ask and they will show themselves.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stop the Emotional Downward Spiral

Ever feel depressed?  I don't mean that dark night of the soul kind.  Just one of those days where motivation escapes you and life feels a bit like you are putting one foot in front of the other.

We know that we attract to us whatever is in our vibration.  So who wants to attract more downer experiences?

But what do you do instead?  How do you stop the downward spiral?

Here's something that works for me.  It's simple and very effective.

As soon as you notice that you are feeling down, stop.  Evaluate what is happening.  Say to yourself, "I choose Love!" Now, you may not feel like choosing Love in that moment, but honestly turning away from that victim downer energy and turning toward Love, you change your vibration.

Then, say, " I open my heart to receive Love."  Imagine the back of your heart is opening and Love is coming in.  Or, open your mind to receive Love.  Use whatever works for you.  Give yourself a few more minutes to soak in all that Love that is coming in.  Remember, Love is always present.  If you don't feel it, you have closed yourself off from it.

Let me know how this works for you!

Here are some other books that may help.

The Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness
The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression without Drugs
Self-Coaching: The Powerful Program to Beat Anxiety and Depression, 2nd Edition, Completely Revised and Updated

Monday, September 27, 2010

Preparing for a New Age

What can you do to be ready for the New World that is upon us?  My answer to myself and others I counsel is to pay attention.  What are I feeling?  Who (what part of me) is feeling that?  How can I meet the needs of that part of me so it will release any limiting thoughts and emotions?

Recently, I found myself responding with hurt as if the other person didn't want to acknowledge me.  "Wait a minute", I thought.  "This isn't about them.  This is about me.  Some part of me doesn't feel acknowledged."

As I felt who that was inside of me, I found it was a young girl.  I let that part of me know that she is very important to me.  Through a series of "tools" I have learned to use, I was able to fill her need, shift her energy, and integrate her into who I am here and now.

At first it seems that there is something wrong with how another person acted or spoke to us.  In fact, it's how we perceived what happened!  As we take care of the part of us that is hurt, we can simply observe what is happening without any attachment to it.  We have also just released the part of us that was attached to an event or series of events.

All of that raises our vibration.  Attachments create stuck energy. Freeing the attachments lets the energy flow.

This prepares us for the new life that we are beginning to live.  This is a life of unconditional acceptance of ourselves and others.

Please join me for a presentation by Jana Beeman and me on this very subject Wednesday, September 29, 7pm at Crystal Heart Books in Beaverton, OR.  Check other events as well.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Earth Day Video

The oil spill has turned our attention to how we have treated this beautiful Earth!  Here is a video that helps us make a compassionate connection to Earth