Monday, August 29, 2011

Chaotic Times

Recently, I was asked why I hadn't posted since 2010.  Hmmm.  If you are like me, a lot has gone on since the first of the year.  I was hospitalized with back spasms, went into a time of personal transformational recovery, and then moved.  Sound familiar?  I'm sure many of you are going through such a shake-up in your life.

But, now we are ready for the next step.  For me, it is a launch of the Complementary Color Therapy Training & Certification Program Online!  Check out the information on my recent newsletter:  Click Here

I also received interesting information through Tom Kenyon's channeling of the Hathors. They are among my favorite ones who help us clarify what is happening on the planet.  They speak of "chaotic nodes" that are affecting us.  They are encouraging us to use several techniques to stay centered and avoid being draw into the fear.

Every day we are being given opportunities to see which old patterns still come up when we least expect it.  By dissolving those patterns and launching new patterns, we move into alignment with the deeper self and we honor what it means to be that deeper self in human form.

Taking the Basic Color Course is one way to dissolve old patterns.  Pay attention to opportunities that come to you to make the changes.  Ask and they will show themselves.