Saturday, March 24, 2012

Keeping Up with the Changes

We are in such time of change!  Keeping up means staying focused in the "Now."  Paying attention to when your mind wanders to the past or future is a moment to moment awareness.

This morning I read Mark Dodich's astrological report.  Here's part of what it said:

"The Sun is aligned with explosive Uranus on Saturday the 24th and makes a challenging 90 degree square to Pluto on the 29th, so this is a revolutionizing and transforming time at the end of March. On the personal level, this energy helps you make dynamic changes to you, so get out of any ruts you dug over the winter. 

At the same time, these energies and others help you get in the flow, to get yourself moving. Although the planetary challenges above can be disruptive at times, they still help you get flowing, choppy as it may be."

As each of these energies passes through, they can affect our ability to stay aware and present.  I find that I need to remind myself every morning to be the observer of my life, allowing my actions to come from the promptings of my deeper self.

So as we make "dynamic changes," let's make them in full awareness!

Arlene Arnold 

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