Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nurturing Aspects of Brown

During this month's Energy of Color Radio Show I pointed out that Brown can show you what's up with your self esteem.  It occurred to me after the show how much a healthy sense of self depends on our connection with the earth (symbolized by Brown).

When you feel nurtured, you feel safe.  Just as a plant is nurtured by the Brown earth it's planted in, so you too are nurtured by the earth.  When you are not grounded (your Spirit is not fully in your body or you are not paying attention to the body) it is impossible for Earth to nurture you.

Without that energetic sustenance nothing seems to flow.  Everything is out of sync.  Your timing is off--you try to do things or say things at the wrong time.  Everything seems harder to accomplish.

Healthy self esteem is partially dependent on that experience of nurturance that comes from Earth.  Being in sync feels like you are home and you are safe.  Feeling good about you is easier when that feeling of home and safety feels grounded in the cells.

Too often our feet fail to connect with the dirt of the earth.  We walk around on concrete, carpet, metal, and so much that is less than natural.  That's why this time of year is so good for us.  Perhaps like me you have been planting flowers or admiring the tulips peeking up through the ground.  Close to where I live there is a sacred walk through the woods that connects me to the earth.  I always feel so nurtured and fully present after one of those walks.  I sometimes have to talk myself out the door to take a walk, but I'm always glad when I do.

I wonder too if this is why so many people like coffee, tea, and chocolate.  These natural Brown substances can connect you to the earth.  The more pure they are, the better they can nurture you. 

Pay attention to ways you can stay connected to the earth.  You are here in this body for a reason.  Floating outside of it disrupts that connection and can affect how you feel about yourself.

Stay connected; stay grounded!  And all is well.


Milamori said...

Dear Arlene,

Thank you so much for your Color cards creation, wonderful book and great article on brown color. It is amazing how it works for me !!


Arlene Arnold, The Color Lady www.TransformationalTools.com said...

Hi Lucie,
Glad you are enjoying The ColorCards. I would love to have you join me on Blog Talk Radio the third Wednesday of the month at 1pm PDT. Raise your hand and let's talk!